Osirix lite manual
Osirix lite manual

osirix lite manual

The complete manual and technical specifications are available here: Images are limited to 1536x1536 pixels, bigger images are down-sampled.

osirix lite manual

Handheld Device Review of Abdominal CT for the Evaluation of Acute Appendicitis.Ĭhoudhri AF, Carr TM 3rd, Ho CP, Stone JR, Gay SB, Lambert DL.

osirix lite manual

The Default WL/WW and Full Dynamic Range are usually good starting points for adjusting brightness and contrast. Initial experience with a handheld device digital imaging and communications in medicine viewer: OsiriX mobile on the iPhone. They are also useful if you’ve adjusted the brightness and contrast to a point that is hard to get back from (for example, a completely black, white, or binary view when you want a grayscale image.

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